韩莹 | 2023-10-23 阅读:927
Copies of the Front Page of the passport (including any accompanying family member’s passport).Colorful scanned copy (PDF or JPG format) of above documents and each document should be no larger than 1M.
Copies of official document notarized by Chinese Embassy or Consulate which could prove the family relationship and its Chinese translation.Colorful scanned copy (PDF or JPG format ) of above documents and each document should be no larger than 1M.
NOT APPLICABLE to those who don’t have accompanying family members this time.
Application form, please specify the period of the education background, working experience into exact MONTH. And please also note overseas permanent address, overseas telephone no. and email address.
Copies of the highest degree certificate(diploma) notarized by Chinese Embassy or Consulate and its Chinese translation. Colorful scanned copy (PDF or JPG format ) of above documents and each document should be no larger than 1M.
Six Copies of your passport photo and those of your accompanying family members, Digital copy should be JPG format and larger than 200K, white background
6、工作资历证明 复印件及其翻译件
Copies of Work Certificate signed by the former employer, including working period, work position, and its Chinese translation.
Colorful scanned copy (PDF or JPG format ) of above documents and each document should be no larger than 1M.
Health Certificate or a Commitment letter of Physical Examination.
The commitment letter is only for foreigners who apply Work Permit before entering the country. Foreigners must submit a physical examination certificate issued by Yunnan International Travel Health Care Center after entry.
Colorful scanned copy (PDF or JPG format ) of above documents and each document should be no larger than 1M.
Copies of the non-criminal certificate notarized by Chinese Embassy or Consulate and its Chinese translation.
Colorful scanned copy (PDF or JPG format) of above documents and each document should be no larger than 1M.
8、中英文工作合同 复印件2份
Copies of the contract with Yunnan Agricultural University both in Chinese and English version.Colorful scanned copy (PDF or JPG format ) of above documents and each document should be no larger than 1M.
Copies of Visa(Z or R for applicants and S for accompanying family) when enter China.