
韩莹 | 2021-03-11  阅读:1530


Two copies of the Front Page, residence permit page and entry page of your passport (including any accompanying family member’s passport)
Colorful scanned copy (PDF or JPG format) of above documents and each document should be no larger than 1M.
2、 若有随行家属,需提供中国驻外使领馆认证的家属关系证明复印件2份(单纯英文的结婚证书复印件、出生证明复印件不一定会被认可)
Two copies of official document notarized by Chinese Embassy or Consulate which could prove the family relationship
Colorful scanned copy (PDF or JPG format ) of above documents and each document should be no larger than 1M.
NOT APPLICABLE to those who don’t have accompanying family members this time.
Two copies of your resume (CV) both in English and Chinese, please specify the period of your education background, working experience into exact MONTH. And please also note overseas permanent address, overseas telephone no., Shanghai telephone no. and email address on your resume (CV).
Please ask the host department to help you with the resume translation. 
4、最高学历证书及学历认证材料复印件及其翻译件 2份(A类专家无需提供认证材料,博士后及普通教师需要办理)
Two copies of your highest degree certificate (diploma) and its Authenticationnotarized by Chinese Embassy or Consulate), and its Chinese translation.
Colorful scanned copy (PDF or JPG format ) of above documents and each document should be no larger than 1M.
5、 个人证件照(及随行家属证件照)电子版(JPG格式,超过200K)
Digital copy of your passport photo and those of your accompanying family members, large than 200K
6、 工作资历证明 复印件及其翻译件2份
Two copies of Work Certificate signed by the former employer, including working period, work position, and its Chinese translation.
Colorful scanned copy (PDF or JPG format ) of above documents and each document should be no larger than 1M.
7、 离职证明原件 复印件2份
Original document of Release Letter and two copies
Colorful scanned copy (PDF or JPG format ) of above documents and each document should be no larger than 1M.
8、 外国人工作许可证/专家证/就业证注销单原件(已过期的无需提供)
Original document of cancellation of former foreign expert certificate/work certificate
Colorful scanned copy (PDF or JPG format ) of above documents and each document should be no larger than 1M.
9、中英文聘用合同 复印件2份
Two copies of your contract with Yunnan Agricultural University both in Chinese and English
It’s just an official document presented to the Bureau to show the relationship between the foreign teacher and Yunnan Agricultural University no matter whether the foreign teacher has already had an extra contract with HR Department,YunnanAgricultural University.
Colorful scanned copy (PDF or JPG format ) of above documents and each document should be no larger than1M.
Please ask the host department to draft such a contract according to the required template. Both the foreign teacher and the Department keep an original copy.
10、《境外人员临时住宿登记表》复印件 2份
Two copies of your Registration Form of Temporary Residence
Colorful scanned copy (PDF or JPG format ) of above documents and each document should be no larger than 1M.